Wednesday, May 30, 2012

thoughts for you:


beautiful girls...

I never imagined my life as the mother to 4 beautiful girls.. I am sure alot of the time I am getting things wrong.. I try to keep it simple. I share my thoughts with you. I also ask you your thoughts on certain things.. I take you shopping and do girly things together. The little things...

In this way I hope that as you all grow into young ladies you might still want to do those things with me. Teenage years are approaching fast and I am not silly enough to realise you need your friends and secrets..and time spent without me..

 But hopefully by sharing and talking now - I can still have a voice in your world.. Hopefully you might still want to go shopping with me and hear my thoughts on your choices and stop for coffee and cake after.. That's all I require..Just time..A little bit now and then to observe and cuddle my growing girls - quite alot like right now really..

Love you to the moon and 4...

Mama xx

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