Last night I even spat my throat gargle over the bathroom mirror because my teeth were chattering that hard..(If you are still reading you were warned!)
Any who..The bright spots on my otherwise dark week, has been my family..My girls played quietly for three hours while I slept with Rylan today..My sweet, darling, cherubic, cruisy little manny has been quite simply awesome..Same goes for the other manny..Total rock. Took care of a HOUSE FULL of guests last night while I entertained from the couch... Check out my awesome gifties:
New leather nappy bag..awesome!
Flowers from Rodda
An oil painting of the statue Suzanna from the local botanic gardens painted by Pa..
And I left a LONG wishlist at the LSS..and scored the LOT. Awesome...
Plus a little smooch for my cruisy little blue babe..
Oh and I got this little beauty... I am very spoilt...
BUT...Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....I am STILL sick!!!!!!!!!!!
If you hung in their through my ugly graphic rant - WELL DONE!
I will leave you with this sentiment....Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!