Oh my _ I love these shots of Gracie..She was so happy and tired and messy and just gorgeous.. These two are basically straight out of the camera..Only some very minor changes..I love the blue light in them.. And I love her Summer hair..She hated the knots..Naturally..
One of sweet Jem with her composed 'camera smile'that I can't get her to give up for the life of me.....But still gorgeous all the same..It's her eyes..So very beautiful..
And of course my biggest babe..Her 'hill billy' front baby teeth finally fell out after sticking out of her mouth at right angles for weeks.. I recall being concerned anout how she might look with them missing..I needn't have worried..She looks perfect..Bias I know..But two people commented that she should be modelling within days of her teeth falling out..Go figure.. Check out the dry summer skin on her..Happens to her the worst every year...
Nighty night xxxxx