Walking everyday
Reading ''Atonement'
I did 60 sit ups today..and 40 push ups
My babe is sleeping through
BUT I breastfed her at 2am last night *sigh*
Am going out to dinner tonight - YES with grown ups and we are catching a cab!
I am no longer designated driver!
I spend 20 min of everyday doin hair styles..Soon it will be 25min!
I spend ten min of everyday scrubbing white sock to make them white again..
I am baking ALL the time!
I made golf balls, banana bread, and homemade chips from pita bread this week!
I fit into my size eight jeans - JUST
I love my boys..Supernatural boys that is!
Until today I hadn't taken a photo since Mothers Day!
Our dog ruptured her other cruciate ligament. There goes the surplus. Thanks Ruddy.
We have a new laptop.
My babe has six teeth!
I need to shower now..
Photos of Milla - taken in Qld in MArch. Aged 7 months xx